Not here... But thanks for the hit anyway!

If you are here looking for pictures of Ms. Spears' hindquarters or that one lone person who put together a string of words and came here (heh) looking for the masculine of the species doing what most of them do alone at least once in their lives....

Well... You're out of luck. I have no pictures today with these things. I didn't have them yesterday or the 3 days before that either....

But thanks for the blog hit and if you have time... look around and see if there's anything else that catches your eye!

Who'd a thunk it?

What's all that stuff up there about you may be asking?????

Just 5 short days ago I posted about my 3000th hit... I've now hit 3200 in the time span since I imbued upon Granny Geek a no-prize worthy of the ages....

Who would of thought that the simple inclusion of three simple key words would bring the world to my humble (ahem) doorstep? And what perchance would these three simple words be?

I'm not really looking to repeat them directly but if you check out this post you may be able to get an idea about what was sooooo popular on my blog. That's right... A post about male contraceptive medication and a sly jab of fun at Brittany Spears and I end up on the receptive end of over 200 hits in 4 days thanks to Google, Yahoo and many other search engines.

Only two other posts ever generated this kind of hits. One was my story about my youngest daughter's incredible fit and the resulting discipline of both her and myself. The second was my 2005 post about Black Friday.

The lesson learned here? Watch what you post... or at least how you post it... no telling who out there "searching" around!

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