Black Friday is coming!

What's Black Friday?

That's the day after Thanksgiving when everyone stands in those God-Awful lines and the stores finally break even (at 7am) and move into the Black for the year.

I used to work at Circuit City and that was Hell Day! 18 hours on my feet and the first 4 of it standing behind a register since none of the other employees could work the computer ringing up people as fast as I could....

Ah, Memories... Like the corners of my mind... Misty water colored memories....


Sorry about that...

Anyway... Black Friday... If you want to get a jump on the whole "What's going to be on sale" thing, you might want to check out these sites.

Black Friday Ads

Black Friday Info

Both claim to be the "Official" site for all your Black Friday needs. I don't know how "Official" they are since they keep getting Cease and Desist orders but they claim to have the inside scoop on what you will want to stand in line for hours for on November 24th.

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