Prophylactics for the modern age....

Continuing a very odd trend today we have a story from Yahoo news that German sex educators are working on a Spray-on Condom! That's right, if you ladies out there don't believe that the man you are going to have carnal relations with is on the "Man Pill" (see this for the info on that) you can at least let him have the most customized condom on the planet.

The product is hoped to be released in 2008 with the Sprayer selling for about 20 euros (14 pounds or about $26.50 US) and the latex cartridges about 10 euros which would apply 20 times... give or take... depending on... well, you know.

The scary part is the talk of the vulcansation (British spelling) process. Who knew that Spock's ancestors would have anything to do with Human reproductive health?

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