Blogging Lost.... ?

Yes, that's right the tile of the episode is "?" and by now, most astute viewer of the show know what that big question mark is all about..  If you don't know, check out this post and the picture links... Otherwise, let the review begin...

Eko get the flashback sequences this week and we start off with him working on the Church that he and Charlie started in S.O.S.  He looks up and sees Ghost Ana asking him what he's building.  Eko responds and Ana says, as only Ana could, "Why the hell would you want to build a church?"...  " I was told to"...  Eko looks up and Ghost Ana is now bleeding from the chest and mouth and says, "You need to help John"!  Now Eko is in the Swan Hatch and his brother is there telling him that John (Locke) has lost his way.... "Take him to the Question Mark"...  "John will not want to show you"....  "Bring the Axe."  Eko wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream.  Charlie asks what is wrong but gets ignored, as only Charlie can... "I need to find John!"

Back in the Swan Hatch for real now, Jack and Sawyer are trying to get inside to keep Ana from doing something dumb (heh).  Sawyer says that Ana shooting Faux Henry, or as he puts it, the Artist Formerly Known As Henry Gale, wouldn't be a bad thing.  Mikey stumbles out, shot and bleeding.  Says that Faux Henry shot him (liar!) and he ran away but fails to mention the women.  Eko shows up and the head inside where they find Ana and Libby.  Kate checks and find Ana dead.  Sawyer is checking Libby and just as he is saying the words, "She's dead", Libby pulls a spit take worthy of the Exorcist... She's alive.. for now... and Mikey is really worried.... Waahawhawhwaahwhw... Lost fades in.....

Ana is given Last Rites by Eko in a somber moment as Jack is quizzing Mike.  "How long ago"... Mike gives no good answer and Jack is off to find Faux Henry.  Sawyer jumps in with, "Who's gonna take care of Libby while you're off playing Daniel Boone?"  Good line as it forces Eko to volunteer to go find the "killer".  He recruits John since, although he is still on crutches, he must be able to track things.

FBT (Flashback Time) - Eko is in Australia (who'da thunk?) and giving confession.  The "parishioner" and him play line tag until the guy states that his sin is helping a Priest get fake ID papers.  He also asks Eko if he is interested in a job.  "Doing what?"...  "You know... Stuff."  But the trip will have to postponed when the Monsignor tells him that there has been a MIRACLE.  A girl came back to life after drowning and not breathing for two hours and Eko is going to research the event before it can be publicly announced.  The mother is telling what happened and Eko says that he does not believe what this woman is saying.  Monsignor replies, "Why do you think I chose you?"

Back to real time and John and Eko are combing through the jungle.  John says that he can't find anything to follow so where is Eko going.  Eko asks John where the ? is to which Locke feints no knowledge.  Eko apologizes with "I'm sorry" and head butts Locke. I've noticed a pattern here.... Every one apologizes just before they do something mean.  Locke apologized to Boone, Mike to Ana, Eko to Locke, etc...  John wakes up later...  "You hit me!  Why did you...?"  "You were being difficult."  Locke hands over the drawing of the map that he could remember buts still isn't convinced... Eko tells Locke about following his dream and then we...

FBT - Eko is interviewing the Coroner/Mortician who gives Eko an audio tape of the girl getting ready to be cut open and then she wakes up.  Since there is no picture, it would be easy to fake the recording.. The coroner give the take to Eko saying he never wants to hear it again....

Back on the island, Eko tells John they are going in the wrong direction and he heads off into the jungle.  Soon he steps on one of the Heroine filled Virgin Mary  (sounds like Wonka at its best) and realizes that they are back at the plane that a) Killed Boone, b) Flew his bro to the island, c)  Fell from the cliff where Eko seems to be looking, d)  All of the above.***  John asks what they do now.... "We wait for further Instruction." --  Not instructions, but instruction... subtle but important difference.

Back in the hatch, Mikey is still worried, Libby is getting worse, and Jack is trying to fix her pain.  He needs the heroine that Charlie was hording.  Sawyer says he will go get it and Jack sends Kate to go with.  Why?  The heroine is with the GUNS Freckles!  At the beach, Kate asks how Ana got the gun.  Sawyer actually shows some class and deflects the question asking Kate to enter his tent where we find that the guns have been on the beach the entire time under an Oceanic Air sign..  "Fooled you didn't I!"  As they are leaving Hurley asks if they have seen Libby and Kate breaks the news.

Dreams sequence again... Eko sees his bro and follows him up the cliff with the axe.  When he reaches the top Yammi is sitting in a Wheelchair, says, "Wake up John", and causes Eko to fall, seemingly to his death as Locke wakes up from the dream and stares at Eko.

FBT - Eko is at the house of the Miracle Girl and the mother is desperately trying to get him to leave.  The father of the girl walks to the screen door of the house and starts yelling... Whose your daddy girl??????  He walks out and....  NO WAY....  It's Claire's Psychic!  Same damn Psychic!  He says his there was no miracle since his daughter fell into ice cold water and had extreme Hypothermia.  The quack coroner is just trying to cover his tracks since he almost cut the girl open instead of reviving her.  The dad doesn't want any of this investigated since his wife is a zealot and he's a FRAUD.  "I get intelligence on people and exploit it.  People come to me looking for a miracle"  Asshat!

Eko is now climbing the cliff while Locke, who can traipse around the jungle but can't climb, watches.  At the top he notices nothing but more jungle in the valley below but when he turns around he sees a circle in the grass where Locke and the plane are currently sitting.  Back on the ground, he find that the earth has been salted to keep the grass from growing so that the target can been seen from the sky.  He searches the other bare areas and finds metal in the dirt under the plane.  Here they find another Dharma hatch that Eko uses the axe to open and a pit with stairs going into the ground.

At the hatch, ack is shooting Libby up and Hurley gets a chance to lament over their first date.  He tells Mikey that he's "Glad you were here."  Gonna regret that later.

John "I can't climb" Locke is now climbing down the pit, then finds the lights, and moves further into the new hatch.  The find a room with 6 monitors, a Lay-Z-Boy, and a table with a huge magnifying glass (or something) and cigarette butts??? on it.  He starts turning on the sets and gets nothing but static.  Changing channels, damn they don't get Fox, CNN, or MSNBC here, he finally get a picture... of the Swan Hatch with Jack at the lead character.  Locke sees another Apple II to one side with the prompt:  PRINT LOG - Y/N.  Duh!!!!  Hell yes we want to print the logs!  While that prints, they find blank log books, one of those vacuum tubes you use at the drive-up bank teller and the Glass Pickle of the day....  A Dharma video tape (Larry says it was Betamax, but I have yet to confirm)!

Station 5 - The Pearl.  The same guy that introduced the film in the Swan hatch is now calling himself Mark Whitman.  The Pearl hatch is for monitoring the other hatches.  The participant spends 3 weeks with another person logging all of the activity going on at the other places.  The others are not aware of what is going on... only that they must do what they have been told.  Why?  Not a clue!  Everything that occurs must be recorded on the logs and then sent via the vacuum tube somewhere.  When they are finished, they get extracted on a ferry to the "barracks".  All rights reserved... Copyright 1980... 

Eko says... wait for it...  "Would you like to see that again?"  Best line of the ep...  Locke's seen enough and is leaving while Eko starts gathering things up to take along.  "What are you doing?"  "Taking it back.  It might be important"  "Its all a joke"  "No.  Pushing the button is important.  We are being tested.  It is what we are meant to do."  "We were never meant to do anything.  Our lives are as useless as that button!"

FBT - Eko is buying a ticket for flight 815 leaving from Gate 23 (Gate 16 is also mentioned in the background) dressed in layman's clothes.  The "miracle" daughter shows up to let him know that when she "died" she saw Yammi.  He told her that Eko is a good priest regardless of his past.  "He has faith in you."  They are getting loud and Libby walks up and asks, "Is everything alright?"

Eko explains the Short/Sweet version of how he got the cross from his bro's body in the plane.  "How can you say this is meaningless?  I will continue to push the button!"

Back at the Swan Hatch, Libby's getting another hit while Hurley watches.  "Can I talk to her?"  He tell her that he's sorry about the blankets.  She starts to stir and in a panic starts to talk.  "Michael!"  "He's OK."..... and she dies.  Hurley breaks down... so does Kate... What's up with Sawyer this week? He comforts Kate....  Jack is pissed!

Beep....  Beep.....  Beep....  Eko and Locke are heading back to the Swan Hatch...  Beep...  Beep.... Mikey is in the safe looking angry and nervous.  He sees the cursor blinking on the Apple II monitor and in dramatic fashion is still an asshat.....  

I have one observation... Is there enough information in what Eko and Locke are bringing back to implicate Michael or will there be a video tape of the shootings?  More next week...

And if you are trying to follow the Lost Experience Game there is a lot of info on The Fuselage.  Check it out there.

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thinkingthings said…
Okay, so I'm a relatively new Lost Addict, but I have to say that some very important things happened in this episode to make me a very happy new addict: 1. They let Locke go back to being jungle boy. Yay! (And that dude is a heck of an actor--I really felt for the guy when he found out he was just a rat in a skinner box) 2. Jack got to be a doctor again instead of just a jerk alpha male.

Of course having Sawyer show his sweet side was a bonus :)