For fans of the early 90's and big hair....

Variety reports that NBC, yes, the peacock network, is looking to revive "American Gladiators" as a mid-season replacement!

If you don't remember, or are too young to know of its grandeur, American Gladiators was a show that pitted regular Joes like you and me, except in much better shape, against professional athletes, stunt-men(and women), and, what I would guess to now include, professional wrestlers.

The story is recounted here.

And here's an opening sequence for the classic American version.

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The Lorax said…
Sweet... that came out right after the Running Man came out on the airwaves.

I'd watch Gladiators after Doctor Who? late into the night.

Then Jack the star hustler.

Good tv.

And, thanks... for loving your tv.