Holy crap! This looks good.....

I have loved Star Trek in almost all of its incarnations.  Loved them so much that I can forgive Star Trek: Nemesis but do not push me so far as to let Star Trek 5: The search for the center of the galaxy and the pseudo-gods that live there get by.  Nobody deserves to be forced to sit through that.

Any way, as much as I am pumped for tonight's premier of Watchmen, this is the movie I am itching for!

And this trailer helps not one little bit!

So... If you are a Trekie (or Treker) like me.  Feast your eyes on one spoogerific (no that's not really a word, but it should be) trailer and then head over to Apple's site here for the same thing in Glorious HD Quicktime!

Enjoy!  I'll see you at the funny show...

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Unknown said…
It looks very cool. It is not Star Trek 11. It is just Star Trek (the Reboot).
Dans Kursu said…
share a very good health in your hands