You won't miss 'em until you need 'em....

Ranting again today..... Let the flames begin!


MSNBC and Newsweek are running an article about our Executive branch and the major TelCo's working together to hide the fact that they have been covertly spying on phone conversations, or as they put it, "surveillance".

Funny how the word "veil" in in that word because it seems that the government and the telco's are determined to keep that veil of secrecy covering what they want to do with your rights. I won't rehash the article here so you can read it by yourself but I keep coming back a disturbing trend when I hear about the whole issue of privacy. Some citizens of this country are willing to recend their rights to privacy and due-process simply because, "I have nothing to hide."

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I think that what they are really implying is that, "I have no use for my right to privacy or my right to stop illegal search-and-seizure at this time, so why not let the govenment snoop?" and then they say, "I have nothing to hide."

I have discussed this with friend and co-workers and I find the response interesting when I present to them the implication they are laying out there. They typically agree that I'm correct so then I hit them with this line (and I'm curious what other's are thinking so please respond):

"So... If you don't mind giving up your First and Fourth amendment rights since you aren't using them right now, how about giving up your Second amendment rights since you may not be using them right now?"

The response from a lot of people is a resounding, "No way!" Sometimes they even quote the NRA with, "I'll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands." -- Sidebar -- Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms actually started that quote. -- End Sidebar --

When I ask them why, their reply is that they have to have the gun for protection. My response, which they usually don't like very much, is, "What protection? When is the last time someone tried to rob you? When is the last time someone tried to break into your house? When is the last time someone robbed any house withing a 10 block radius of your domicile? See, you really aren't using the gun for anything as it usually sits in a drawer and collects dust. You don't need it, you only want it and since you aren't using it, why don't you hand it over and you can have it back when we feel that you are in danger and need to have use of it?"

The good responses I get usually mention the following. "What if they do need it immediately?" or, "How is the government going to get me that gun in the 30 seconds between the window breaking and the thief or predator or crazy coming into one of my family's rooms?"

And I respond right back at them with the same arguement about my First and Fourth amendment rights. What happens if I need my right to privacy right now? What happens if I need to discuss something with my doctor or lawyer or priest and I require my privacy rights immediately? What if I am incorrectly accused of something I didn't do or plan simply because someone knee-jerked at the CIA and pegged me as a threat? Where is my right to Habeaus Corpus and why are you taking my medical and financial records when I've done nothing wrong? Who do I talk to when I want to get those rights back since nobody will even admit that they are doing to me what they've already admitted that they are doing to others?

Where is the outrage that this is happening? Where are the conservatives in this country that call for smaller government? Where are the cries to stay out of our daily lives if we have done nothing wrong? When will the true patriots stand up and fight for our Constitutional rights and fight for all of them, not just one or two?

Did the attacks on September 11, 2001 do some much damage to this country's psyche that we have forgotten why we fought so hard in the past to preserve our rights that we willingly throw them away simply because someone said it was for our safety?

I don't think it did. I just think something has to happen to remind the people of this country that they need those abandoned rights just as much as they need their guns.

The question now is when is that act going to happen?

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