Indiana Jones and the...

Lucas released the official name of the new Jones flick and the winning entry is...

Drum Roll please....

Kinda wordy but very cool none the less. I'm very hopeful about this movie, what with Marion (Karen Allen) back in the cast, Shia LaBouf, Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone, and John Hurt along for the ride, Spielberg couldn't mess this up could he?

Geeks around the world rejoice! We have a title!

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The Lorax said…
Still odd that they rode off into the sunset and are coming back... but, ok. I'll watch. I like to watch.
Anonymous said…
I have all the previous ones on DVD...I can't wait for this one.
Anonymous said…
No Sean Connery. Color me skeptical.
admin said…
It's been over a month since the last post. We're waiting.