I may have found someone who dislikes Coulter as much as I do...

Not that I've tried to be politically correct at any time in my life but she just burn me up!

Jason Rohrblogger has a great site where he comes up with some of the funniest material out in the "tubes". His latest top 10 list is as follows:

Top Ten Quotes from the Coultergeist

Jason's posts are usually though provoking, can be politically incorrect, and very funny. Today, he get the first two without any problems. The funny part, sadly, is missing, only due to the fact that the lady in the eternal cocktail (heh) dress really did say these things.

Yes... I think she can be described with a anagram of her name that I read once.

"A Loner C#nt". Or maybe "Rectal Noun" is better?

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Thanks for the shout out! I love it when someone links to one of my lists! I checked out your profile and I love Eva Cassidy too!

-Jason Rohrblogger