Another reason to love the Firefox....

Mozilla announced that they have a new pledge for critical flaws in their browser. They will fix any flaw considered "critical" within 10 days of it being disclosed.

That's a pretty big statement and if they can keep it, Firefox users will be all the better for it. Microsoft only sends out patches on the second Tuesday of each month and has been known to skip months but has also released early patches if they problem is big enough. This pledge however, says a lot about how much pressure Mozilla is willing to put on Micro$oft in the new browser wars.

If you haven't given Firefox a try, check it out here. And if that's not your cup of tea, then check out Opera, another great browser.

I personally use Portable Firefox and OperaUSB since they DO NOT have to be installed on any machine.

Yahoo has all the news here.

Spread the word! Firefox rules!

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