The wisdom of a 9-year-old...

Long time no post... I know... but I couldn't resist post the wisdom of my almost 9-year-old daughter.

She's a middle child and as such tends to be on the more dramatic side of moodiness. And knowing this, my wife and I have tried really hard to help her find a way to control the changes in temperment she goes through. From this she has whittled down to 4 steps, something most adults have yet to work out for themselves...

And she wrote them on her toy bench just in case she forgot them! At least it was in pencil and I was able to preserve them for future reference...

Forgiveness is easy...Forgiveness is easy... Hosted on Zooomr

For those that can't read them from the shot, here's what it says:

How to for give your self
1. breath in deep then out.
2. fold your hands tograther and pray.
3. rest and try to go to sleep.
4. finnaly you for give yourself.

Out of the mouths of babes come words we could all live by.

Maybe I should send it to our elected officials? It couldn't hurt!

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Anonymous said…
Springfield Bloggers meet tonight at 7:00 at the Patton Alley Pub. This will be Zach Cobb's last meeting before he moves to Kansas City. C U there!