You can guess how I feel about this woman....

Fox News has a real winner in Rachel Marsden. Who? Well, she's one of the hosts of Fox's "Red Eye" late night show designed to compete with Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" and "The Cobert Report". She's also been referred to as "Ann Coulter 2.0".

Yep. That'll endear her to me...

Even if, like me, you've never watched the show (or Fox News at all), you might find her history interesting and question Fox's mind set in hiring her. Especially for a show that commonly discuses topics like the Duke rape case. What does that have to do with her credibility? I'll let you read the entire sorted affair over at Salon. The article is free if you watch a short ad, just be sure to turn off Adblock plus for the site (if you use it) and reload to see the link to the ad.

I'll give her this... She's a damn sight better looking then Ann... but the Coulter 2.0 reference just kills it for me. That, and when she opens her mouth to speak....

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admin said…
Read the story at Salon. She sounds like a stark raving nut job -- the mayor of crazy town.
Unknown said…
Could it be the liberal view of "Salon" that is bleeding through? They are not usually very kind to conservatives. That is what I thought when I read the article.