Ryan vs. Dorkman II.... Amazing!

Back when G. Lucas was finishing work on a little epic called Star Wars with the third, and strangely, last in the 6 episode series many fans were creating homages to his double trilogy with home made movies. Ryan vs. Dorkman was one of the best and if you haven't seen it, I present it below!

Recently the creators released part 2 of what I can only hope if a Trilogy of its own. Ryan Vs. Dorkman II is in so many ways a better Jedi fight than every one of the fights in the episode except Darth Maul vs. Qui Gon vs. Obi Wan in Episode I. That fight left me thinking that G. Lucas could pull off the impossible and completely thrill my generation again. He came close many times but rarely did I get the same feeling as I did during that fight at the end of Phantom. These guys, however, know what loving Star Wars is all about! Part two proves that! Enjoy!

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The Lorax said…
Yes... I caught this the other day. Not bad... but your not a jedi yet.