This time nobody could get to the store for French Toast Panic....

Snow brought local drivers to their knees yesterday as the water couldn't decide if it wanted to melt on the road or refreeze quickly. The lead Ranter found himself traveling backward when forward was more to his liking on one gratefully abandoned road. Said vehicle wound up trying to climb a utility pole's guide wire with its back right tire and then slipped off only to have the wire grab the nearest fender!

{sigh} I swear I was only going 15 mph!

Still I was luckier than most from listening to the news reports. My family's hearts go out to those whose family members didn't make it home safely... or not at all.

As Esterhause used to say... "Let's be careful out there!"

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The Lorax said…

And I was ready to rant about my 60 min drive from sunshine to Ozark.

Bet you'd have enjoyed that more.

You didn't knock out anyone's power, didja?

Hope all is going to be well.