Gmail Theater exposes the secret lives of office supplies...

When Google's Gmail started up (and I finally got an invite to sign up) I wasn't real impressed. I really like sorting my stuff into folders and keeping my in-box cleared of junk. However, I've pretty much given up on using my Yahoo Mail account for anything other than what currently gets dropped there once I got used to how Gmail works.

Now I'm a convert... And if you have considered getting a gmail account but didn't exactly know if it was worth it (even with the 2.5 Gig storage space), you might be convinced by watching Gmail Theater...

More of these Google related vids are located at the Google Channel at YouTube.


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The Lorax said…

sorry.. didn't know your were gmail-less. I'm always ready to help a brutha out.
Bryan said…
Sniderman... at first I read your comment and when "what the?" and then I realized that I may not have been clear.

I've had a gmail account since mid 2004... It just took what felt like forever to get an invite from someone. In fact I got mine from a web site that allowed gmailers to donate their extra invites for others to get randomly.

Thanks for looking out the lead ranter though.
Anonymous said…
Hmm... I think I bought my gmail invite for 50 cents on ebay on 8/28/04.

Money well spent. ;)