While we are on the topic of Star Wars Rip-offs...

Dave (aka Sniderman) over at The 2 Dollar Bill linked back to my previous post about Star Wars with Hands and posted his own interesting find of a version of Star Wars with a James Earl Jones voice over. Check it out here and then enjoy a presentation of.....

Turkish Star Wars!

Turns out Turkish director Çetin İnanç wanted to do a SciFi flick named Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam and flat out stole entire scenes from the original (yes the 1977 version) Star Wars movie and inserted them into his footage. This link to Wikipedia has all the goods if you are interested...



The Lorax said…
Wow. That's really not right.

Even caught some Indy Jones music there during a battle scene.

The guy most not have enough cash for Lucas and Spielberg to suit.