Everyone start the French Toast Panic!

Now that the Ozarks have endured 6 days of Ice, and at most that many days without power in many places, we learn that 3 to 6 inches of snow is headed our way!

Everybody start the French Toast Panic! The What?????

Here's the definition:

French Toast Panic - [french tohst pan-ik] - noun - The fear instilled by winter weather that causes normally rational people to run to the closest grocery store and purchase bread, milk, and eggs.

I used to call this syndrome Old People panic from my year working at Smitty's in Nixa where even the slightest chance of any frozen precipitation caused mass chaos in the store. I recently learned of this much funnier and less offensive definition for the mass panic state and use it regularly to irritate those around me (imagine that?).

Enjoy the weather and feel free to use the term. I'm open sourcing it and no credit need be given since I picked it up from persons unknown.

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Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info. When I lived in the Carolinas I wondered what folks did with all the bread milk and eggs they couldn't seem to get enough of when the word snow was mentioned. Coming from Buffalo it was no big deal to me.
Play Baccarat said…
What necessary words... super, a remarkable phrase