We can all breath a sigh of relief now! But the Turkey's better be worried....

MSNBC posted this report from Florida (will that place ever be the same again?) about the Ft. Myers' Testicle Festival.  That's right a Festival of Testicles.  Turkey testicles to be exact and the city council was considering changing the name of the fund raising gathering. 

It seems that if you give a donation, you get to try one of the gobbler gonads.  And parties for the Tom's boys isn't limited to just Floridians.  It seems that there is a "National Trend" for this type of activity.  Whodathunkit?

And who needs bans on same-sex marriage in this country.  How 'bout a constitutional amendment banning the munching of Meleagris marbles.  Look it up if you don't know.....

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Unknown said…
I am glad that you are addicted to Heroes and not to Turkey Testicles.