New prayer book for Teens has prayer for drunken stupor....

At first glance I thought that this would go over GREAT here in the home of the Blue Vatican. {Ahem... Cough...} but then I realized two things...
  • Its for Catholic Teens.
  • It was written in Poland.
Now don't take either of those statements the wrong way.  I'm Catholic and I commonly make the joke about our "heritage" of being the "drinking" faith.  After all, we do drink REAL WINE during communion and we do it EVERY WEEK.  However, I'm not Polish and I'm not intending the second statement to be anything other than to point out that this was NOT WRITTEN IN THE United States.  Take them to mean whatever you want.

Here's the prayer...
  • Lord, if in an unsober state, and under the influence of those around
    me, I say something stupid, please give me strength to retract my
    words. Protect me against senseless bravado and pride.
Its not a bad prayer actually but I wonder if I can use this even when I'm not "unsober" since I regularly say stupid things, need to retract my words, and exude senseless bravado and pride?   I didn't even know that "Unsober" was a word.

By the way, the book has angered the Catholic community in Poland and caused a media stir.  Imagine what it would do here.

Read the article here

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