Is this what music today has become?

If this is the future of Pop Music today, then I guess US 97 has a listener for life... or at least until this become "Classic Rock".

Paris Hilton trying to do the music thing... except that it looks like Madonna's MTV video for "True Blue" and sounds like Hansen before puberty set in. The only thing I thought of during the agonizing 20 seconds I watched was, "I wonder if this guy ever got filmed with a night-vision camcorder before?"

Watch the agony here! MY EYES! MY EARS! SHUT IT OFF! SHUT IT OUT!

p.s. Firefox may have some trouble with the video... See Firefox is smarter than Internet Explorer!

p.p.s. Blame Larry for any nervous twitches that result (I almost typed reslut... heh... appropriate) from extended exposure.

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admin said…
Precisely why I have this big belly of mine. So when Paris Hilton smokes my pole I don't have to look at her face.