Lack of posting is no excuse....

Sorry for the paucity of posts on the blog lately.  There is a reason, maybe not a good reason, but there is a reason...  See....  I'm tired.  Really tired.  Mostly "sick and tired' but tired none the less.

I've simply been trying to keep myself from blowing my stack every 12 hours from something happening in this country that seems to simply go against everything I believe we, as a country, have fought for over 225 years to gain.  I've got that, "What can one person do against all of this?" feeling constantly running through my head and I've been trying to sort it all out.  What have I come up with?

Not much, but blogging about it is probably as good a therapy as anything and a whole lot cheaper than a shrink (no offense Larry).  Plus, those of you out in reader land (as opposed to TV-Land) will probably do your part to let me know when I've gone off the deep end, when I've hit a nerve, when I've struck out, and, less likely, hit a homer....

So, hopefully, I'm back to blogging.... and not necessarily RANTING all the time... In fact, I have a post that is kinda sad and I'll have it ready in about an hour... If the phone will leave me alone.

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Unknown said…
I am not offended. My counseling rate is not cheap. You my friend would not be a candidate for short term therapy. So Blogging is the better answer, for now. Otherwise, I can get you fitted for a nice new clean white jacket.