Remember this post about Students' right to Free Speech and what schools may do to try to silence contrary views? Well it didn't take long for the proverbial "Poop" to hit the fan. The Chicago Sun-Tims reports that a student in the Plainfield School District is facing expulsion for posting his views on a new school policy.. No Threats... No personal attacks.. No one is named... But expulsions is what he is now facing after being suspended for 10 days.
Nope! Couldn't happen in this country! {sigh}
Technorati Tags: First Amendment, Students
Nope! Couldn't happen in this country! {sigh}
Technorati Tags: First Amendment, Students
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However in light of the mamby pamby "my feelings where hurt" administration of this so-called school, I think some quid-pro-quo is in order. If the Principle, superintendant or any teacher there so much as complains about:
1. The condition of the teacher's lounge.
2. Their level of pay.
3. Their parking space.
4. Anything about any level of government that gives them the money to operate.
They should lose their job. No severance, no pension, no vacation, nothing. And let's see how much they may enjoy that rule.
/no, this is not they way I think things should be!
"Hey, Tommy... you taking that 'Newspeak' class?"
"Nah, I have gender-sensitivity training. I hate being a fourth grader."