Glad I'm not the only paranoid conspiracy theorist...

The other day while being treated to lunch for my birthday by Larry, Larry's family, and Jill, I made the comment (jokingly) that we should be on the lookout for some kind of attack on the country withing the next 6 months. Why? Well it would certainly be convenient for the currently ruling party to try to ride the wave of fear and patriotism that would follow such an attack, especially if it hit in just the right place, say NYC again or one of the actual monuments in D.C. Larry and Jill just looked at me as thought I had sprouted two extra heads and turned a nice shade of chartreuse.

Then a couple of days ago I mentioned to Larry that after the 9/11 attacks happened and the country was in its collective daze, the president called for the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.... The Homeland.... Isn't that what Hilter called Germany during World War II? Just an observation... No comparison intended between peoples both living and dead.... But why The Homeland? Why not The Department of United States Security?

Well, now I was crossing into that strange land that only Una Bombers and Serial Killers go to.

But.... I have at least one area blogger that seems to be aware of the feelings of dread I have every time someone says, "I have nothing to hide. Let the government listen in on my calls." Michael over at The Holy Grail Press has an interesting take on the US becoming a police state with a "King" instead of a duly elected government head. A scary read and all too plausible.

And by the way... Just because you don't use a right covered the Constitution or its varied Amendments doesn't mean you should just give it up without a fight! And you can quote me on that...

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Unknown said…
After some research, I found you to be wrong again. Germany was the "Fatherland" and not "Homeland". Check out:

It would be much easier to start agreeing with my left leaning friends if you all did not go so far out into left field.

It is as bad as the Right leaning wacko friends that send me all the conspiracy theories on Clinton.