Here we go!
The lostaways run for the water trying to reach the sailboat that appeared at the end of the last episode. Jack, Sayid, Sawyer get half naked and jump into the water and start swimming...
"See anything?" "Maybe its a trap?" Once on the boat, Opera is playing and the three guys draw their guns then gun shots ring out from inside as everyone ducks.., then clicking -- "Darn it!" "You?" hahahahahah... Its Desmond!.... Wawhawhawawaww ... Lost fades in.
The filler Lostaways bombard Kate with questions. "Just wait!" as Jack pulls her aside. "Just tell them Desmond's back." Jack questions him about why he didn't mention the sailboat. "Why'd you come back?" He sailed for 2 1/2 weeks and should have been to Fiji by then. "There is no outside world. There's only this snow globe" "You still pushin' it?" "Yeah, we're still pushin' it!"
FBT (Flash Back Time)...
Desmond is getting out of jail and the Aussie behind the counter gives him his possessions -- a photo, one Charles Dickens book titled Our Mutual Friend and some other stuff. The guard asks why he didn't take the book in with him. He read everything Dickens wrote and its the only one he hasn't read. Turns out Des was in a military prison but for what is a new mystery. He walks out to freedom and a car pulls up. "Get in the car." The man inside discusses Des' past faults and offers him two boxes. "One of these boxes contains your past... one your future." The first box has letters Des wrote to a Penny Whitmore. The other box has a butt load of money, "for you new life. Away from my daughter. No calls, no contact... just run away." "What makes you think I won't use this to come back?" "You're a coward at heart"
RT (Real Time)...
Sayid and Jack discuss the situation with Mikey. Sayid wants to take the boat around the island to scout out The Others so that Mike doesn't know what is going on. Jack wants to tell Kate, et al, but Sayid insist that Michael cannot know. He will let them know the coast is clear with black smoke as a marker.. "This time they will not know that we are coming"
Eko and John meet in the Swan hatch. "Hello john, where have you been?" he says that he's been thinking about what they found and that they should let the timer run down to zero. "Why wouldn't I push the button?" " You don't want to be a slave this this experiment." "I'm a slave to no one." John yells, "Don't push it!" and tries to destroy the computer which causes Eko to throw him out. "You are free now."
Back at the beach Hurley is offered a gun but refuses. "Isn't the point get Walt back?" Kate asks about the makeup and what that might mean. Mikey says The Others don't know they are on the way so it doesn't matter. "Enough jibber jabber. Let's roll!"
Desmond is coming back to shore on a rubber raft which Sayid wants to take to the boat. Des asks why and Sayid explains some of the plan. "You want to search out the hostiles?" Sayid says he is tired of the lies. Des responds that, "Ignorance is bliss."
Des is in the US now. He asks for something with the strongest Caffeine you've got but then realizes that he has no American money. The woman next in line pays for his drink and it turns out to be Libby. She asks if there's anything else he needs. He asks for 42 Grand (one of the numbers) joking and she offer to hand it over. He tells her about a race around the world held by the father of the woman he loves. Libby has a boat from her husband who got sick and wanted to sail to he Mediterranean. "He passed away about a month ago.... I want you to have it." "I can't take your boat Miss." "You have to. He would want you to." Uh huh... why would he want a stranger to take his boat? "I don't even know your husband's name." "David." And the boat's name? "Elizabeth. He named it after me." " I shall win this race for love."
Sayid is talking to Sun and Jin comes up. Sayid leaves and Sun tell Jin that she is coming with him and Sayid on the boat. She's not going to be separated from him again.
The mystery 5 are walking int he jungle and Sawyer almost picks up a doll in the leaves. Kate stops him and says that the dolls are probably traps set by Rousseau and that she and Jack got caught in a net when she found one. Sawyer makes a crack about Jack telling him the truth about the net. "Since when did you and Jack start talking about me?" Suddenly a HUGE green bird dive bombs them, squawking ... "Hurley"... "Did that bird just say my name?" Sawyer... "Yeah it did... Right before it crapped gold." Great line! Mike tried to shoot the bird down but his gun didn't work. Jack... "Sorry man. Guess I forgot to load that one... Need another mag?"
Charlie meets Locke in the jungle and John is crying. "What happened to your face?" Locke says nothing. "Feeling sorry for yourself? Your mate from the hatch is back. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."
Sun shows up at the beach to leave with him and Jin for the sailboat and Sayid tries to talk her out of it. He tells Sun that Jin will be OK and that he's already been out on the ocean before. "Yeah. Look where he ended up!"
Desmond sees Claire giving the vaccine to Aaron. " For 3 years I gave that stuff to myself every 9 days." He then asks where Aaron's dad is? "He left when he got scared. Said he was doing what was best for him."
Jack show up as Des is getting ready to run at the stadium... so does his Penelope. "How did you find me?" "A man told me and I have a lot of money. Did you read your book?" Not yet but then he confesses where he was. "Why didn't you write to me?" He gives no answer but replies, "When are you getting married Pen? I'll be back in a year. I'm going to win his race and in a year I'll be back." "What are you running from?" "I want to get my honor back and that's what I'm running to."
Desmond is stinking drunk when Locke finds him. He asks him the riddle from episode one of the season, "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" We finally get the answer... "Smells like carrots!" "Managed to fix the computer did you? Must have since the world is still here." He reminds Locke that he spent 3 years down there when John tells him that pushing button was all for nothing. "How the hell do you know something like that?" Locke tells him about the Pearl hatch and the film and that the Swan hatch was a test.. a psychological experiment. He gives tape to Desmond as proof. "If its not so real... stop pushing the button!" "I have but someone else has started. Sober up and tomorrow we will fix it."
Sawyer offers Hurley a "Dharma nutri-bar" for energy. "No thanks..." "Are you serious?" Mikey is worried about the plan and about jumps out of his skin when Jack comes around the brush and says, "Hey!" "Thanks for risking you neck for my boy." "Live Together, Die Alone" ... hence the name of the ep.
Sun is getting sick over the side of the boat but not from seasickness when Sayid notices something strange on the shoreline. Using his binoculars, Sayid sees a platform on the shore that has weird foot shaped tower that only goes up to the calf. Sun looks and says that it is odd and then Sayid adds that it only has four toes. OMG.. They've come upon the statues of the Kings from LOTR.. someone's smashed them!
Eko is scratching more verses on his stick when the at 101.00 on the timer the lights go out and something starts up emergency lights. A voice starts a count down... eight, six, five, four, three, two, one.... then doors drop and lock (heh) Eko out of the computer room. Inside Des has pulled a fuse and says... "Now we wait."
Wicked storm and Des is at the wheel of the sailboat. He goes down stairs and gets his book, duct tapes it in plastic and takes it with him back up top where he proceeds to get knocked out. Now he's on the beach with a man in a yellow suit and find himself being dragged through the jungle. Back at the Swan hatch he is asked, "Are you him? What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" "What are you talking about? Who are you?" "Inman, Kelvin Inman." Welcome to the evil SPECTER Island Mr. Inman.. Ignore the "Laser" in the corner. "What happened to my boat?" "There was no boat." beep... beep... beep.... Kelvin enters the numbers and the alarm turns off. "What was that all about?" "Just saving the world!" For those not watching carefully this season, Kelvin has appeared before in Sayid's flashback. He was working with Kate's dad in Iraq and captured Sayid and set him on his "Mission". Des watches the filmstrip over and over. "How many times you going to watch that?" He asks about the splices and is told that Rozinski made some edits and to make sure that he places it back behind the book Turn of the Screw. He asks why Kelvin always puts on that suit and is told so he doesn't get infected out there. Kelvin introduces Des to the vaccine and remarks, "Hope its not too late."
Des asks Locke why Eko carries around a stick with scriptures. "You locked out a priest?" Eko goes up the blown "hatch" and sees the Quarantine sign. He finds Charlie and asks for help to try to keep Locke from not pushing the button. Charlie seem almost ready to blow him off and then, "I'm in."
Sawyer ask who are the others? He says they could be "Aliens" with prosthetic heads. Kate tells him that they are being followed and she's ready to turn the tables on them. "You in?" Kate and Sawyer start shooting across the creek bed at The Others that have been following. The hit one and the other is getting away. "He's dead!" "It doesn't matter.. they've already been warned." "Why don't you tell them Michael?" "Tell them what?" "Stop lying!" "It was the only way! They gave me a list." "What list?" "It had your names on it. I had to bring all four of you back or I would never see my son again." "You let Henry go?" "Did you kill them? Ana Lucia and Libby? Did you?" "I had to. I didn't mean to kill her. It was an accident. I didn't have time!" "But if you did have time, you still would have killed her right?" "I'm sorry! It's my son!" "I'm going back." "Hurley you can't." Kate turns to Jack... "You knew it!" "If they don't think we trust Michael, they will kill us all! I wouldn't do this if I didn't have a plan." "What plan?"
On the boat Sayid is praying to the east as Jin notices the rocks with the hole in it. "We're here."
Eko and Charlie are looking for something in the jungle. Charlie leads them to some TNT from the Black Rock that is hidden with some more Virgin Mary Statues. He warns Eko to be careful. "Don't want to end up like Dr. Artz." (heh) They return to the Swan hatch and Eko starts wiring the TNT to blow the doors. "What if we hurt them or blow up the computer?" Charlie beg through the dooor, "John, let's work this out." "I think your friends are going to try to blow up the doors." "Will the door will hold?" "Aye. I'm sure."
Desmond is walking a sorta trashed filing cabinet and tells Kelvin, "Maybe you should do it." "You've seen me do it a million times." Des hot-wires the doors to drop on the canister so kelvin can work on the black light picture. He tells Desmond that Rosinski created the map and had a photographic memory. Desmond starts in again about not knowing anything about Rosinski. "See that brown stain there? That's Rosinski." Turns out that he shot himself while Kelvin slept. Kelvin only had 108 minutes to bury him! "Let me go out. I've spent 2 years inside here." "You want to go out there with the quarantine and hostiles? I was in the army but joined Dharma. I learned to follow orders." "Please let me go out." "You stay here and push the button. That's an order!"
Charlie's not so sure about the stuff that's going on and thinks that maybe its a joke. Eko throws him against a wall, takes his belt and throws it at the magnetic wall which makes it fly around a corner and stick to the magnet wall. "Is that a joke?" Charlie retrieves his belt a warns Eko that this isn't a good idea. "We're in a very contained area! Oh bollocks!" ....................... boom!
beep... beep... beep... Kelvin! Hey Kelvin.... Kelvin is drunk and under the floor of the computer dome. Des climbs down and asks what he's doing. "I couldn't do it." He has a key for something called the system termination. "This is the only way out. Put the key in this and this all goes away." "What's behind the wall? What was the incident?" It was an experiment in Magnetism. The force builds up and discharges every time they push the button. "If this can make it end, why make us?" "Do you have the courage to take your finger out of the dam and blow the whole thing up instead?"
"I think your friends just blew themselves up." "They're not my friends." Desmond recommends that they should go out but Locke thinks its a trick. "They could be hurt." "The doctor is God knows where..." "Why do you have to wait to the very last tick, it is to look down the barrel of the gun?" "I already looked down the gun and an innocent got killed. Afterwards I was beating my hands on the door and a light came on. I thought it was a sign. Probably just you going to the bathroom."
Sayid is stalking out The Others camp but it is empty. After searching the tents he sees the rectangle hatch, sneaks over and opens door and sees..... nothing but rock!
The mystery 5 is checking things in out in a clearing when they find a HUGE pile of pneumatic tube canisters from the Pearl hatch. Thousands of them. Maybe Desmond is going to be right about the experiment being in reverse. Sawyer finds John's rough hatch diagram. They turn to see smoke billowing "miles" from where they are. "Where were you taking us? We are nowhere near the beach." Suddenly Sawyer falls to the ground in convulsions and the Whispers start. Now Hurley is down. "Run!" Kate is down convulsing. Jack picks her up and tries to carry her to safety. Jack gets hit in the leg and goes down. The Others bag them.
Desmond asks Locke to tell him about this other hatch they found. He describes The pearl as a psychological station where two men in lounge chairs filled out notes about what happens in the Swan hatch and sent them somewhere via the pneumatic tubes. "What if the experiment is backwards? What if they were studying what goes on there? What was in the notes?"
Kelvin tells Des that he's been shaving for 18 years. Why continue? "I don't want to let go.." "Goodbye Des. See you in a couple of hours." Desmond notices a rip in the protective suit and proceeds to follow him to outer doors. Kelvin goes out fully rigged and Des follows with a piece of material over his mouth and nose. He watches Kelvin unmask and unclothe and go on a walkabout to find the sailboat in a cove of blue water. "I didn't think you had the stones to follow me." "What are you doing?" He was fixing the boat but isn't ready to leave. "What about the button?" "I was drunk and i needed a person to save the world after I left." Desmond ends up killing Kelvin during a struggle and runs back to the hatch getting back in time to see the hieroglyphic signs on the timer board. He runs to the Apple IIe as words flash by on the screen. "Magnet works too well!" System Failure starts running across the screen as metal objects launch across the room toward the wall. Des finally get the numbers in, hits Execute and everything goes back to normal.
Desmond is looking at the printouts from the Pearl hatch and asks Locke, "When did you come here? When did your plane crash?" "September 22. Why?" "I think I crashed your plane!"
The Others are walking the remaining mystery 4 to a boat dock gagged and bagged. Once the sacks are removed Kate mum!" Des reopens the door and tries to find his book...
Desmond is in the Swan hatch with a gun and some booze and starts to read his book. He finds a note with his name on it from Penelope. She had hid when he went to prison in his last book to read. "Don't give up Des. I will wait for you always. Pen." He rips through the books and records on the shelves and then hears the pounding on the upper hatch. Its Locke demanding a sign after Boone's death. Desmond turns on a light to see the window better. Above Locke see the light and thinks its a sign. Below, Desmond calms down and smiles.
Desmond opens the book and finds the key he hid there. He tells Locke about the incident and heads underground to blow the dam. "I'm sorry about whatever happened. I've got to make it all go away. See ya in another life brother!" System failure is being broadcast over the hatch speakers, and the magnets are running loudly. Charlie tries to help Eko get out but gets pushed out of the way. Eko and Locke are in the computer room facing off with each other. "I was wrong!" Des puts the key in the hole and turns... "All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us." "I love you penny." Flash of light... Ear splitting sound... Everyone on the island and off put their hands over their ears, screaming with pain... and then... Nothing... Then a quarantine sign falls from the sky almost taking out Claire and Bernard.
The Lostaways are picking up things at the beach when Charlie steps out of the jungle. His ears are still ringing. "Where's Locke? Eko?" "They're not back yet?" He glances at Claire and a smile crosses his face.
"I'm not happy about the arrangement that was made with you Michael... We got more than what we bargained for with Walt..." "Take the boat on a compass bearing of 325 and you and your son will find rescue." "How do you know I won't tell people about you?" "You'll never find this place again. And even if you do, people will find out what you did to get your son back." "I was promised you wouldn't hurt my friends. Who are you people?" "We're the good guys. Its all yours." Walt's on the boat being held by one of The Others. Michael get on the boat and pulls Walt from under the control counter. "Bon Voyage Michael." "Dad!" "We're going home Walt." As the boat pulls away, Mikey give the other 4 a look that says he would have done anything for this moment. Someone ungags Hurley and he is told that he can go back to your camp. "Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here. Your friends are coming home with us. Go!" The other four are loaded onto the boat and as it pulls away Sawyer notices that there's a blink between Kate and Jack before they are bagged again.
Back at the beach Charlie and Claire are discussing what happened in the Swan hatch. "You mean the flaming fireball or the flying fork?" "I'm being serious Charlie!" "Nothing." "Well something happened." Claire has the hots for Charlie and gives him a kiss as we fade to black.....
Now at this point I thought the show was over and the next thing we see is mountains with snow blowing wildly through the air. I figured that this was just another Beer Commercial and some stupid Penguin was going to walk across the screen with a Bud in his flipper... but no!
Snow is still blowing as we pan backward through a window. Foreigners are bundled up (they must be foreigners since they talk in a language I don't understand) playing chess and a red light starts blinking ominously over and over. [Translated] How long has that been happening?" "It just started" One of the guys panics and starts opening notebooks and looking for something... beep... beep... beep... "Just shut up an call!" Somewhere a phone rings.. once... twice... "Hello?" "Ms. Whitmore? It's us. I think we found him!" ........... LOST!
Notice that this is the FIRST Real Time scene that does not happen on the island! Maybe the writers are finally going to open up the world of Lost so we can finally find out what the people in the "Normal World" are doing while their friends and loved ones are trapped on Lostaway Island... We can only hope...
Let me know what I missed! Did I miss any of the numbers? And don't forget about the Lost Experience online game. Head over to The Lost Experience for a rundown of what has been found!
The lostaways run for the water trying to reach the sailboat that appeared at the end of the last episode. Jack, Sayid, Sawyer get half naked and jump into the water and start swimming...
"See anything?" "Maybe its a trap?" Once on the boat, Opera is playing and the three guys draw their guns then gun shots ring out from inside as everyone ducks.., then clicking -- "Darn it!" "You?" hahahahahah... Its Desmond!.... Wawhawhawawaww ... Lost fades in.
The filler Lostaways bombard Kate with questions. "Just wait!" as Jack pulls her aside. "Just tell them Desmond's back." Jack questions him about why he didn't mention the sailboat. "Why'd you come back?" He sailed for 2 1/2 weeks and should have been to Fiji by then. "There is no outside world. There's only this snow globe" "You still pushin' it?" "Yeah, we're still pushin' it!"
FBT (Flash Back Time)...
Desmond is getting out of jail and the Aussie behind the counter gives him his possessions -- a photo, one Charles Dickens book titled Our Mutual Friend and some other stuff. The guard asks why he didn't take the book in with him. He read everything Dickens wrote and its the only one he hasn't read. Turns out Des was in a military prison but for what is a new mystery. He walks out to freedom and a car pulls up. "Get in the car." The man inside discusses Des' past faults and offers him two boxes. "One of these boxes contains your past... one your future." The first box has letters Des wrote to a Penny Whitmore. The other box has a butt load of money, "for you new life. Away from my daughter. No calls, no contact... just run away." "What makes you think I won't use this to come back?" "You're a coward at heart"
RT (Real Time)...
Sayid and Jack discuss the situation with Mikey. Sayid wants to take the boat around the island to scout out The Others so that Mike doesn't know what is going on. Jack wants to tell Kate, et al, but Sayid insist that Michael cannot know. He will let them know the coast is clear with black smoke as a marker.. "This time they will not know that we are coming"
Eko and John meet in the Swan hatch. "Hello john, where have you been?" he says that he's been thinking about what they found and that they should let the timer run down to zero. "Why wouldn't I push the button?" " You don't want to be a slave this this experiment." "I'm a slave to no one." John yells, "Don't push it!" and tries to destroy the computer which causes Eko to throw him out. "You are free now."
Back at the beach Hurley is offered a gun but refuses. "Isn't the point get Walt back?" Kate asks about the makeup and what that might mean. Mikey says The Others don't know they are on the way so it doesn't matter. "Enough jibber jabber. Let's roll!"
Desmond is coming back to shore on a rubber raft which Sayid wants to take to the boat. Des asks why and Sayid explains some of the plan. "You want to search out the hostiles?" Sayid says he is tired of the lies. Des responds that, "Ignorance is bliss."
Des is in the US now. He asks for something with the strongest Caffeine you've got but then realizes that he has no American money. The woman next in line pays for his drink and it turns out to be Libby. She asks if there's anything else he needs. He asks for 42 Grand (one of the numbers) joking and she offer to hand it over. He tells her about a race around the world held by the father of the woman he loves. Libby has a boat from her husband who got sick and wanted to sail to he Mediterranean. "He passed away about a month ago.... I want you to have it." "I can't take your boat Miss." "You have to. He would want you to." Uh huh... why would he want a stranger to take his boat? "I don't even know your husband's name." "David." And the boat's name? "Elizabeth. He named it after me." " I shall win this race for love."
Sayid is talking to Sun and Jin comes up. Sayid leaves and Sun tell Jin that she is coming with him and Sayid on the boat. She's not going to be separated from him again.
The mystery 5 are walking int he jungle and Sawyer almost picks up a doll in the leaves. Kate stops him and says that the dolls are probably traps set by Rousseau and that she and Jack got caught in a net when she found one. Sawyer makes a crack about Jack telling him the truth about the net. "Since when did you and Jack start talking about me?" Suddenly a HUGE green bird dive bombs them, squawking ... "Hurley"... "Did that bird just say my name?" Sawyer... "Yeah it did... Right before it crapped gold." Great line! Mike tried to shoot the bird down but his gun didn't work. Jack... "Sorry man. Guess I forgot to load that one... Need another mag?"
Charlie meets Locke in the jungle and John is crying. "What happened to your face?" Locke says nothing. "Feeling sorry for yourself? Your mate from the hatch is back. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."
Sun shows up at the beach to leave with him and Jin for the sailboat and Sayid tries to talk her out of it. He tells Sun that Jin will be OK and that he's already been out on the ocean before. "Yeah. Look where he ended up!"
Desmond sees Claire giving the vaccine to Aaron. " For 3 years I gave that stuff to myself every 9 days." He then asks where Aaron's dad is? "He left when he got scared. Said he was doing what was best for him."
Jack show up as Des is getting ready to run at the stadium... so does his Penelope. "How did you find me?" "A man told me and I have a lot of money. Did you read your book?" Not yet but then he confesses where he was. "Why didn't you write to me?" He gives no answer but replies, "When are you getting married Pen? I'll be back in a year. I'm going to win his race and in a year I'll be back." "What are you running from?" "I want to get my honor back and that's what I'm running to."
Desmond is stinking drunk when Locke finds him. He asks him the riddle from episode one of the season, "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" We finally get the answer... "Smells like carrots!" "Managed to fix the computer did you? Must have since the world is still here." He reminds Locke that he spent 3 years down there when John tells him that pushing button was all for nothing. "How the hell do you know something like that?" Locke tells him about the Pearl hatch and the film and that the Swan hatch was a test.. a psychological experiment. He gives tape to Desmond as proof. "If its not so real... stop pushing the button!" "I have but someone else has started. Sober up and tomorrow we will fix it."
Sawyer offers Hurley a "Dharma nutri-bar" for energy. "No thanks..." "Are you serious?" Mikey is worried about the plan and about jumps out of his skin when Jack comes around the brush and says, "Hey!" "Thanks for risking you neck for my boy." "Live Together, Die Alone" ... hence the name of the ep.
Sun is getting sick over the side of the boat but not from seasickness when Sayid notices something strange on the shoreline. Using his binoculars, Sayid sees a platform on the shore that has weird foot shaped tower that only goes up to the calf. Sun looks and says that it is odd and then Sayid adds that it only has four toes. OMG.. They've come upon the statues of the Kings from LOTR.. someone's smashed them!
Eko is scratching more verses on his stick when the at 101.00 on the timer the lights go out and something starts up emergency lights. A voice starts a count down... eight, six, five, four, three, two, one.... then doors drop and lock (heh) Eko out of the computer room. Inside Des has pulled a fuse and says... "Now we wait."
Wicked storm and Des is at the wheel of the sailboat. He goes down stairs and gets his book, duct tapes it in plastic and takes it with him back up top where he proceeds to get knocked out. Now he's on the beach with a man in a yellow suit and find himself being dragged through the jungle. Back at the Swan hatch he is asked, "Are you him? What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" "What are you talking about? Who are you?" "Inman, Kelvin Inman." Welcome to the evil SPECTER Island Mr. Inman.. Ignore the "Laser" in the corner. "What happened to my boat?" "There was no boat." beep... beep... beep.... Kelvin enters the numbers and the alarm turns off. "What was that all about?" "Just saving the world!" For those not watching carefully this season, Kelvin has appeared before in Sayid's flashback. He was working with Kate's dad in Iraq and captured Sayid and set him on his "Mission". Des watches the filmstrip over and over. "How many times you going to watch that?" He asks about the splices and is told that Rozinski made some edits and to make sure that he places it back behind the book Turn of the Screw. He asks why Kelvin always puts on that suit and is told so he doesn't get infected out there. Kelvin introduces Des to the vaccine and remarks, "Hope its not too late."
Des asks Locke why Eko carries around a stick with scriptures. "You locked out a priest?" Eko goes up the blown "hatch" and sees the Quarantine sign. He finds Charlie and asks for help to try to keep Locke from not pushing the button. Charlie seem almost ready to blow him off and then, "I'm in."
Sawyer ask who are the others? He says they could be "Aliens" with prosthetic heads. Kate tells him that they are being followed and she's ready to turn the tables on them. "You in?" Kate and Sawyer start shooting across the creek bed at The Others that have been following. The hit one and the other is getting away. "He's dead!" "It doesn't matter.. they've already been warned." "Why don't you tell them Michael?" "Tell them what?" "Stop lying!" "It was the only way! They gave me a list." "What list?" "It had your names on it. I had to bring all four of you back or I would never see my son again." "You let Henry go?" "Did you kill them? Ana Lucia and Libby? Did you?" "I had to. I didn't mean to kill her. It was an accident. I didn't have time!" "But if you did have time, you still would have killed her right?" "I'm sorry! It's my son!" "I'm going back." "Hurley you can't." Kate turns to Jack... "You knew it!" "If they don't think we trust Michael, they will kill us all! I wouldn't do this if I didn't have a plan." "What plan?"
On the boat Sayid is praying to the east as Jin notices the rocks with the hole in it. "We're here."
Eko and Charlie are looking for something in the jungle. Charlie leads them to some TNT from the Black Rock that is hidden with some more Virgin Mary Statues. He warns Eko to be careful. "Don't want to end up like Dr. Artz." (heh) They return to the Swan hatch and Eko starts wiring the TNT to blow the doors. "What if we hurt them or blow up the computer?" Charlie beg through the dooor, "John, let's work this out." "I think your friends are going to try to blow up the doors." "Will the door will hold?" "Aye. I'm sure."
Desmond is walking a sorta trashed filing cabinet and tells Kelvin, "Maybe you should do it." "You've seen me do it a million times." Des hot-wires the doors to drop on the canister so kelvin can work on the black light picture. He tells Desmond that Rosinski created the map and had a photographic memory. Desmond starts in again about not knowing anything about Rosinski. "See that brown stain there? That's Rosinski." Turns out that he shot himself while Kelvin slept. Kelvin only had 108 minutes to bury him! "Let me go out. I've spent 2 years inside here." "You want to go out there with the quarantine and hostiles? I was in the army but joined Dharma. I learned to follow orders." "Please let me go out." "You stay here and push the button. That's an order!"
Charlie's not so sure about the stuff that's going on and thinks that maybe its a joke. Eko throws him against a wall, takes his belt and throws it at the magnetic wall which makes it fly around a corner and stick to the magnet wall. "Is that a joke?" Charlie retrieves his belt a warns Eko that this isn't a good idea. "We're in a very contained area! Oh bollocks!" ....................... boom!
beep... beep... beep... Kelvin! Hey Kelvin.... Kelvin is drunk and under the floor of the computer dome. Des climbs down and asks what he's doing. "I couldn't do it." He has a key for something called the system termination. "This is the only way out. Put the key in this and this all goes away." "What's behind the wall? What was the incident?" It was an experiment in Magnetism. The force builds up and discharges every time they push the button. "If this can make it end, why make us?" "Do you have the courage to take your finger out of the dam and blow the whole thing up instead?"
"I think your friends just blew themselves up." "They're not my friends." Desmond recommends that they should go out but Locke thinks its a trick. "They could be hurt." "The doctor is God knows where..." "Why do you have to wait to the very last tick, it is to look down the barrel of the gun?" "I already looked down the gun and an innocent got killed. Afterwards I was beating my hands on the door and a light came on. I thought it was a sign. Probably just you going to the bathroom."
Sayid is stalking out The Others camp but it is empty. After searching the tents he sees the rectangle hatch, sneaks over and opens door and sees..... nothing but rock!
The mystery 5 is checking things in out in a clearing when they find a HUGE pile of pneumatic tube canisters from the Pearl hatch. Thousands of them. Maybe Desmond is going to be right about the experiment being in reverse. Sawyer finds John's rough hatch diagram. They turn to see smoke billowing "miles" from where they are. "Where were you taking us? We are nowhere near the beach." Suddenly Sawyer falls to the ground in convulsions and the Whispers start. Now Hurley is down. "Run!" Kate is down convulsing. Jack picks her up and tries to carry her to safety. Jack gets hit in the leg and goes down. The Others bag them.
Desmond asks Locke to tell him about this other hatch they found. He describes The pearl as a psychological station where two men in lounge chairs filled out notes about what happens in the Swan hatch and sent them somewhere via the pneumatic tubes. "What if the experiment is backwards? What if they were studying what goes on there? What was in the notes?"
Kelvin tells Des that he's been shaving for 18 years. Why continue? "I don't want to let go.." "Goodbye Des. See you in a couple of hours." Desmond notices a rip in the protective suit and proceeds to follow him to outer doors. Kelvin goes out fully rigged and Des follows with a piece of material over his mouth and nose. He watches Kelvin unmask and unclothe and go on a walkabout to find the sailboat in a cove of blue water. "I didn't think you had the stones to follow me." "What are you doing?" He was fixing the boat but isn't ready to leave. "What about the button?" "I was drunk and i needed a person to save the world after I left." Desmond ends up killing Kelvin during a struggle and runs back to the hatch getting back in time to see the hieroglyphic signs on the timer board. He runs to the Apple IIe as words flash by on the screen. "Magnet works too well!" System Failure starts running across the screen as metal objects launch across the room toward the wall. Des finally get the numbers in, hits Execute and everything goes back to normal.
Desmond is looking at the printouts from the Pearl hatch and asks Locke, "When did you come here? When did your plane crash?" "September 22. Why?" "I think I crashed your plane!"
The Others are walking the remaining mystery 4 to a boat dock gagged and bagged. Once the sacks are removed Kate mum!" Des reopens the door and tries to find his book...
Desmond is in the Swan hatch with a gun and some booze and starts to read his book. He finds a note with his name on it from Penelope. She had hid when he went to prison in his last book to read. "Don't give up Des. I will wait for you always. Pen." He rips through the books and records on the shelves and then hears the pounding on the upper hatch. Its Locke demanding a sign after Boone's death. Desmond turns on a light to see the window better. Above Locke see the light and thinks its a sign. Below, Desmond calms down and smiles.
Desmond opens the book and finds the key he hid there. He tells Locke about the incident and heads underground to blow the dam. "I'm sorry about whatever happened. I've got to make it all go away. See ya in another life brother!" System failure is being broadcast over the hatch speakers, and the magnets are running loudly. Charlie tries to help Eko get out but gets pushed out of the way. Eko and Locke are in the computer room facing off with each other. "I was wrong!" Des puts the key in the hole and turns... "All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us." "I love you penny." Flash of light... Ear splitting sound... Everyone on the island and off put their hands over their ears, screaming with pain... and then... Nothing... Then a quarantine sign falls from the sky almost taking out Claire and Bernard.
The Lostaways are picking up things at the beach when Charlie steps out of the jungle. His ears are still ringing. "Where's Locke? Eko?" "They're not back yet?" He glances at Claire and a smile crosses his face.
"I'm not happy about the arrangement that was made with you Michael... We got more than what we bargained for with Walt..." "Take the boat on a compass bearing of 325 and you and your son will find rescue." "How do you know I won't tell people about you?" "You'll never find this place again. And even if you do, people will find out what you did to get your son back." "I was promised you wouldn't hurt my friends. Who are you people?" "We're the good guys. Its all yours." Walt's on the boat being held by one of The Others. Michael get on the boat and pulls Walt from under the control counter. "Bon Voyage Michael." "Dad!" "We're going home Walt." As the boat pulls away, Mikey give the other 4 a look that says he would have done anything for this moment. Someone ungags Hurley and he is told that he can go back to your camp. "Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here. Your friends are coming home with us. Go!" The other four are loaded onto the boat and as it pulls away Sawyer notices that there's a blink between Kate and Jack before they are bagged again.
Back at the beach Charlie and Claire are discussing what happened in the Swan hatch. "You mean the flaming fireball or the flying fork?" "I'm being serious Charlie!" "Nothing." "Well something happened." Claire has the hots for Charlie and gives him a kiss as we fade to black.....
Now at this point I thought the show was over and the next thing we see is mountains with snow blowing wildly through the air. I figured that this was just another Beer Commercial and some stupid Penguin was going to walk across the screen with a Bud in his flipper... but no!
Snow is still blowing as we pan backward through a window. Foreigners are bundled up (they must be foreigners since they talk in a language I don't understand) playing chess and a red light starts blinking ominously over and over. [Translated] How long has that been happening?" "It just started" One of the guys panics and starts opening notebooks and looking for something... beep... beep... beep... "Just shut up an call!" Somewhere a phone rings.. once... twice... "Hello?" "Ms. Whitmore? It's us. I think we found him!" ........... LOST!
Notice that this is the FIRST Real Time scene that does not happen on the island! Maybe the writers are finally going to open up the world of Lost so we can finally find out what the people in the "Normal World" are doing while their friends and loved ones are trapped on Lostaway Island... We can only hope...
Let me know what I missed! Did I miss any of the numbers? And don't forget about the Lost Experience online game. Head over to The Lost Experience for a rundown of what has been found!
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