The Rambling of a Television Mind....

This is normally where I would review the Wednesday night episode of Lost, but since it was one of those STUPID wrap-up shows I won't be doing that... Instead, I was perusing the TV listings via TiVo  (you can take it from me when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!) and jumped around a bit... Here's what I watched last night....

7pm - Alias - ABC
I'm really kinda depressed about there only being 5 hours left of this show...  I caught on to it late, half way through the third season and was hooked... Of course it helps when the first scene is Jennifer Gardner standing in an airplane door way in a RED TEDDY!  And then she is told that he likes the other one so she turns around and slams the door only for it to open a minute later with her standing in the same pose as before in a BLACK TEDDY!  The rest is television watching history!

It was the 100th episode and some old, but good, characters were back.  Will Tippen, he of fake drug addiction and wayward witness protection home owner, was back with a bomb in his head after being kidnapped by another hottie, Anna Espinosa.  Great episode and I won't spoil the big bang at the end... oops (heh!)

8pm - American Idol - Fox
I admit that I'm an Idol addict and really only for the past two seasons.  I really think that they have a much better caliber of singers in those years than in past seasons except for season 1.  I really only have one thing to say about tonights "kick off the island show"   Thank God Kellie is GONE!  (Yeah, I know... Tell us how you really feel!)  After she butchered the songs for the past three weeks its about time... but I've been rooting for her demise since the developed the "dumb blonde" act right after she got into the top 24.

8:30pm - LOST - ABC
Sorta... I mean repeat Lost is better than no Lost at all right???? Huh????  And I was on the treadmill so it really didn't matter...

What really blew me away is what I found at...

9:30 - Food Network show with Rachael Ray!
All I really should have to say is....  OH MAN!  Dave over at Ozarks Yin Yang....  Buddy you got it right and said everything that needs to be said here!  And who cares what the name of the show was!

Happy Channel Surfing!

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