Like Stephen Colbert, I'm claiming a word (or in this case a phrase)!

If you haven't seen the hubbub over the word Truthiness and its "creator" Stephen Colbert, then this may not have any importance to you, but I've decided to claim rights to a new phrase I used in this post.

The phrase in question??? Blog Squatting.

Here's my Webster Entry Format:

Blog Squatting (blawg skwat-ting), n. 1. Stealing the comment space on a blog that you don't own in order to post your own thoughts when you could just as easily create your own blog to publish said infomation. Other forms: Blog Squatter, adj.

Use as needed. Its open source.

And yes, I know that other's have used the phrase... just not in this context. I like mine better!


Unknown said…
So if I just go off on you in this space rather than using my own blog, then I would be post squatting *(Alrights to this term are reserved for Bryan). Sounds like fun. It would be better than Cow Tipping or Snipe Hunting.
Bryan said…
Well, not exactly. What Chris did was Blog Squatting. He used your comments page to post an entry he should post on his own blog page (you know, the one he never created).
admin said…

I don't like the way I am being blandered (blog-slandered)over here on your comments page.

And I'm claiming that for my own.
