Strange.... But True!

From the WTF? file comes these three stories...

Seems that Mr. Ronald MacDonald is in dire need of counseling. Turns out he robbed the fast food restaurant he was working at over the weekend. Now, no, he wasn't in red and white striped tights, oversized shoes and a clown nose... no... Ronald MacDonald works at Wendy's. (highlight to see the answer) Betcha didn't see that coming... Story is here!

This one also needs to be in the Americans are getting way too fat file...
Turns out that with US citizens' ever expanding waistline, come an ever increasing amount of FAT on the buttocks. This is causing a problem with people receiving innoculations and shots in the gluteus maximus. The solution (and this really pains me)? LONGER needles so that the medicine gets to the muscle and doesn't stay locked in the fatty tissue near the surface. Ouch! Story is here!

And finally..... A reason to keep my female offspring from getting to know the boys too well. Not that I would ever make fun of this situation but a girl died over the weekend after she was kissing her boyfriend and went into anaphylatic shock. The boyfriend had eaten a Peanut Butter sandwich hours earlier and she had an extreme peanut allergy and died from the reaction. The report says that the boyfried did not know about the allergy. What amazes me is that Hours not Minutes passed before the kiss happened....

Talk at you later....

And yes I know I haven't blogged about LOST. Gotta watch is again.... Good epy but not great and I didn't have a lot of time over the T-day weekend. But this week.... What Kate Did!
