Oops... Numbers One and Two....

When will they ever learn? The party in power just cannot keep their mouths shut, their facts straight, or their meetings secret... Read on...

Oops #1 - The President
Turns out that on Sept 21, 2001, the President was briefed during his daily national security meeting that there was "no evidence linking the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the attacks and that there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda," according to a report in The National Journal.

But I thought our wonderfully upright and upstanding President told us all that Saddam was directly linked with Al Qaeda and that there were even meetings between the two? Maybe he wasn't taking notes and forgot... Whatever.

Oops #2 - Representative Jean Schmidt (R) - Ohio.
On Friday, this newly minted (if you can call 80 days this Wednesday new) U.S. Representative supposedly received a letter from a Marine that directed inflaming words toward Representative John Murtha, a democrat from Pensylvania and previously STAUNCH supporter of the war. She claimed that the Marine wanted her to tell Mr. Murtha, a Marine himself, that, "cowards cut and run, Marines never do."

The problem now is that the Marine, Danny Bubp, a freshman state representative himself, never directed his comments toward anyone in particular and now says that Mrs. Schmidt has taken his comments out of context and he has never talked about Mr. Murtha and would never call a fellow Marine a coward.

Now she has a real problem.... Either call a Marine a liar, or confess that she lied... Neither seem to be part of most politicians' repertoire. More on the story from MSNBC and The Cincinnati Enquirer.

Like I said... When will they ever learn?
